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Natural Health Education Newsletter

Provided by

Jaqueline Young, LPN, BSNH Candidate

Sunshine ~ Needed For Good Health

The Sun has been known in recent years to be the enemy of mankind.  But the reality is that without the sun, mankind would perish

Sunlight is needed for photosynthesis, the chemical process that uses energy from the sun to capture and store carbohydrates.  This process releases oxygen for the existence of man and animals.

Sunlight is also needed for the manufacturing of vitamin D which happens when the ultraviolet rays come in contact with the skin.  Fifteen to twenty minutes a day in the sun is sufficient for most people.  Longer than that could result in a burn.  using high rated sunscreen like spf 45 is recommended when you will be out in the direct sunlight for longer periods.  If you are prone to sunburns longer sleeve clothing and a large brim hat may be best for you.

Sunlight has been shown to increase Circulation of red blood cells and white blood cells.  It strengthens the immune system, destroys germs on the skin, reverses jaundice and stimulates the liver to detoxify poisons.  When it is hot you perspire resulting in the elimination of toxins.  Sunshine has also been known to alleviate depression.

Spending time in the sun when gardening or activities is most recommended.  Just sitting or "laying out" as one might say is not beneficial because one often falls asleep or does not reposition resulting in a "sunburn" which is a contributor to skin cancer.

Spring Means Allergy Season

Spring is allergy season and that means sneezing, watery eyes and a runny nose.  Sinus headaches are also common this time of the year due to the changes in the weather.  Bioflavonoids (also known as vitamin P) help to reduce the histamine response that creates these symptoms.  Quercetin is one type of   Bioflavonoids that reduces these symptoms and is available at local health food stores.  The best source of Bioflavonoids are from whole foods.  Bioflavonoids are companions to ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and are thus found in he same citrus fruits as vitamin C.  Other food containing Bioflavonoids include cherries, grapes, apricots, rose hips, papaya, green peppers, broccoli, tomatoes and the grain and leaf of the buckwheat plant.

Water is especially important in reducing the histamine response.  So increase water as well as sources of Bioflavonoids.

Consult your health care professional before starting any new dietary regimen and enjoy spring without the sneezing, water eyes or runny nose.

Source:  Staying healthy with Nutrition by Elson M Haas, M.D.


Blueberries are a wonderful little orb of nutrition.  One cup of blueberries provides 4 grams of fiber, 85 milligrams of potassium, 18 grams of carbohydrates, and about 30% of the daily requirements of vitamin C with only 80 calories.   They also contain vitamin A, calcium, magnesium, silicon, beta-carotene, folic acid, ellagic acid as well as the antioxidant anthocyanin.  Anthocyanin gives the blueberry skin it's deep blue hue.   Antioxidants like anthocyanin help neutralize the effects of free radicals,   which are broken pieces of molecules that can attack human cells and damage their DNA.  Damage done by free radicals can result in premature aging as well as be a precursor to disease.  It is best to eat your blueberries fresh but studies have show that the antioxidant capacity of blueberries does not diminish with storage.  They contain no fat or cholesterol which makes them a heart healthy food.  Studies have also show that the same compounds found in cranberries are in blueberries which could make them beneficial in preventing urinary tract infections.  So enjoy those blueberries and treat your body good!


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Last modified: July 08, 2005